
Minggu, 07 April 2013

Review : Wardah Compact Powder in no 03. Ivory

Hey everyone! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Finally it's sunday!! Wohooooo!! 

This is my first post in April, so excited! 
Today i wanna share you guys about my first compact powder from my favorite brand, 
Wardah Cosmetics. 
Let's jump to the review!

Wardah Compact Powder in 03. Ivory 


Product Description : 
"Bedak padat dengan microcoated dan squalane yang membantu menyerap kelebihan minyak dan melembabkan kulit wajah serta vitamin E sebagai antioksidan. Aplikasinya lembut dan ringan, menghasilkan warna kulit lebih merata, natural, dan bebas kilap."

"Pressed powder with microcoated and squalane that helps to absorb axcess oils and moisturizes skin. With vitamin E as antioxidant. Leaving an excellent, soft, and natural matte finish."


Since this is my first compact powder, so i just want to give it a try by purchasing the refill of original packaging . The packaging is so simple, made by plastick material with turqoise color. It also comes with a puff. The puff is so soft and doesn't hurt my skin.

My shade is no 03. Ivory, it's have a yellow undertone that suits me very well. 
The texture of this powder is sooooo smooth, glides easily on my skin. 

This powder stay nicely on my face for around 5 hours, 
but the oil control is not so good. 
My face started to feels oily around 2 hours after application. 
The coverage is sheer, and have a matte finish. 

i have a love-hate relationship with this powder. 
I love how smooth and how it looked so natural on my face, 
but i think i need a powder with better oil control since my face tend to get oily like crazy (╯︵╰,)

But if you have a dry skin, 
and searching for powder that gives you natural finish, 
you should try this powder for sure! 
Oh, and it's really afffordable too \(^0^)/

See you on my next post 

6 komentar:

  1. Hai Rizki.. aku juga pake c/p wardah yang 02 Beige. Pakainya harus muka bener-bener bersih, kalo engga bedaknya kaya melayang, ga nempel >.<

    1. Halooo ^^ oh ya? tapi di aku kok nempel2 aja ya.. hehe.
      Thanks infonya tapi :)

  2. huhu aku sudah kapok sama compact powders :( bikin jerawatan
    tapi packagingnya lucu bgt, simple. nice review say..
    buat touch up-touch up mah oke yaa xD

    1. oh ya? sayang banget kalo gitu :(
      hehe iya, simple trus praktis soalnya kecil. thank you sayyy <3

  3. Nice review :D membantu banget, thanks, kebetulan lagi nyari2 review bedak wardah ^^
