Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Tutorial : Bright Colorful Eyes

Hellooooo gorgeousヾ(^∇^)
It's been a hectic week, and finally it's saturdaaaayy.. it's time to play with my makeup and create a tutorial for you guys (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ If you follow my instagram, you should know that i bought Coastal Scents 88 Original Palette, and looking at those color makes me so happy :3 

So this tutorial will be bright and colorful! And let's get started! 

1. Started with a clean and primed eyelid, i'm apply pink eyeshadow on my crease and blend it until there's no hars line. 
2. Since the yellow eyeshadow is not so pigmented, i mixed it with peach and lime green eyeshadow and apply it from my tear duct to 1/3 part of my lid. 
3. I'm taking a hot pink eyeshadow and apply it on the center of my lid. 
4. I'm apply purple eyeshadow on the outer corner of my eye and blend it up until it reach the pink. 
5. I'm apply dark purple eyeshadow on my outer v and blend it up just a little bit. At this step, make sure you blend all the color until there's no harsh line at all between every color on your lid. 
6. I'm tightline my lower lash line with a white eyeshadow and line my lower lash line with a bright blue eyeshadow. 
7. Using a black pencil eyeliner, i line my eyes and created a winged cat eyes look. 
8. I fill my brow, highlight my browbone, and apply my favorite false lashes. 
9. Ready to go! 

Final Look

*please ignore my acne scar :/ and the eyeshadow color didn't really show up on this photo* 

I finish this look with a light pinky peach blush and bright pink lipstick. 
Okay, i have to admit that i found this look is quite hard to do, i have to keep blending and make sure everything blends very well.. *fiuh* But i really enjoy make this tutorial!

Eyes Detail

Products used
Revlon Colorstay Foundation 
Inez Correcting Cream 
NYX Concealer Jar 
Inez Concealer Stick 
Wardah Compact Powder 
LT Pro Shade & Tint Kit 
Maybelline Cheeky Glow Blush 
Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls 

La Tulipe Eyeshadow Base
BH Cosmetics 60 Color Eyeshadow Palette 
Coastal Scents 88 Original Palette 
Inez Pencil Eyeliner

Revlon Lip Butter 

So i hope you guys enjoy this tutorial, critics and comment always welcome. 
Hijab tutorial is up tomorrow, i get so many request to do it.. so stay tune ladies ;) 

Until then, 
See you on my next post 

30 komentar:

  1. Asyik banget warnanya... Seneng liatnya :)
    Kamu cantik as always :*

  2. omg, I absolutely love this look! Found you via GiG <3 xx


  3. Oh very cute and colorful makeup tutorial.

  4. this is so colorful and pretty matches ur scarf as well great blog u have here check me out

  5. Sukaaaaa <3 it matches your whole outfit, keren amat bisa main warna gitu kiii >,< itu revlon lip butternya keluar bgt ya warnanya, cucok deeeh :*

    1. hihihi maaciiiwww ayes canciiikkuuuhh :3 ah iya ini lagi coba2, belajaaar :D lip butternya emg pigmented yes.. aku pun syukaaaa :3

  6. Bagosssss benerrrrr... blendingnya ciamikkk dehhhhh ekiiii.. suka! jd pengen bermain warna

    1. mihihihi ini ngeblend sampe luamaaa bgt ce -_- maaciiih :3 ayo ce mainan warna jugaaaa.. :D

  7. aduuhh bagusnya skillmu nge blend sm perpaduan colourny plus orangnya cantik lagi aduuhaiii dah 'perfect' <3

    1. makaciiii saniiii :3 ini juga sambil belajar kok, belum bagus beneeer.. hehehe.. <3

  8. kalau udah masalah variasiin eyeshadow kakak jagonya deh xD

    1. ah bisa aja sih jes.. hehehe thankyou yaaah ^^

  9. Wow..that was very beautiful! I'm sucks at eyeshadows but I love seeing others doing so well with them!

    1. thanks mizu! just keep practicing and you'll be great at it ;)

  10. Cantikkkk, warnanya cerah banget dan fresh lihatnya... Sukaaa ^_^

  11. aaaaaahhhh kamu cantik banget!! :*

    1. aaaah bisa aja sih nit.. huehehe makasih yaaa :*

  12. beneran dehhh ngag usah mandi aku kalau mampir kesini trus,, uda segeerrrr
    bagus ihh warnanya jrengg abis, suka! <333

    1. hahahaha bener yaaaa.. ga usah mandi ya ceeee.. haha.. XD hihihi makaciiiih ce.. ;3 jadi malu aku dipuji ce lauren :3

  13. Jadi inget fruit punch... hihihi.. cantik non... ^____^
