Hello Gorgeous!
It's been a very busy weeks for me, my final exam is around the corner and i have a bunch of paper to finish! Pheeeeew.. -__-" I actually want to make a new years eve makeup tutorial but my left eye is swollen (again), i should probably stop eating eggs considering that's the main reason behind my swollen eyes :(
Okaaay.. enough for the rambling, now let me introduce you to my current foundation. It's Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation in Natural Beige.
The review that i wrote is an honest review and based on my personal experience. Do not copy and please appreciate my work.
It's been a very busy weeks for me, my final exam is around the corner and i have a bunch of paper to finish! Pheeeeew.. -__-" I actually want to make a new years eve makeup tutorial but my left eye is swollen (again), i should probably stop eating eggs considering that's the main reason behind my swollen eyes :(
Okaaay.. enough for the rambling, now let me introduce you to my current foundation. It's Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation in Natural Beige.
The review that i wrote is an honest review and based on my personal experience. Do not copy and please appreciate my work.
Ideal for Normal to Oily Skin
Why You'll Love It
Revolutionary air-soft mousse provides perfecting coverage for 100% velvet-matte perfection.
Ideal for normal to oily skin
Fragrance-free, dermatologist-tested, allergy-tested, non-comedogenic - won't clog pores, save for sensitive skin.
For Best Result
Apply smoothly and evenly to your face and blend with your fingertips.
#1 Foundation in the world
Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse Foundation comes with a glass jar packaging, it's quite heavy and bulky.. I personally not really a fan of this kind of packaging because of the hygiene factor. The texture is.. well.. mousse! It's very bouncy and makes me happy! hahaha XD
Swatch :
According to Maybelline's site, this foundation have a 12 range of shades, but unfortunately there's only 4 shades that available in Indonesia. I pick Natural Beige (Medium 2,5) which is the darkest shade in the counter and it's still a little bit too beige for me. I have a very warm yellow skintone and finding a truly match foundation for my skin is been a challenge *sigh..
When the foundation touch my skin, it does feel so smooth and airy. It's very lightweight and looks natural just like my second skin. It also so easy to work with, blends nicely even with just my fingertips! The coverage is sheer, It does evening out my skintone, but my redness and blemishes still can peek trough it. The oil control and staying power is average, what i love about this foundie is that after 3 hours of wearing my face looks so natural and healthy glow.. even my friends said that my face looks hydrated and so beautifully glow. But after 5 hours, i finally need to blot my face.
The finish of this foundation is not really matte (or it's just me?) i feel like it gives a slighty glow to my skin. One thing that you have to remember is don't ever rub your face with a tissue or anything when you wearing this foundation because it'll transfer and leave nothing on your face -_-
I think this foundation is just "okay". I do love it for my everyday foundation, it's lightweight and natural, but i just need a better coverage and oil control..
So i hope you guys find this review is useful, and..
I'll see you on my next post ♥
Natural beige ini lebih terang daripada yang sand beige kan ya ki?
BalasHapusWah, beneran di kamu kok coveragenya ga oke >_<
Di aku oke, padahal banyak dosa juga....
eniwei, nice review gan! sundul
lebih gelap ini kak nil daripada sand baige.. iya kak kok di aku ga oke yah, mungkin dosaku terlalu besar wkwk XD makasih sundulnya gan! kasih cendol juga dong gan ;D
HapusHarusnya aku ambil yang ini kali ya kalau ternyata yang ini lebih gelap.. mba2nya bilang aku sand beige sih jadi iya aja... hahhaa
HapusKalau pakai dua layer masih ga nutup ya ki?
cendol gan!
haha mbak2nya emang kadang menyesatkan sih kak. pake 2 layer ga ngaruh.. ga terlalu biuldable deh ini :|
Hapusaah kmren smpt minat ini di counter colek2.. hehe
BalasHapusthanks for the review ^^
cobain aja chel kalo kamu kan mukanya udah muluuus pasti oke2 aja pake ini hihhi :3
Hapusah ini whislist yg tertunda akibat si implusive -_-
BalasHapusbisa nggak mate ya di kamu, hmm
thanks for review :D
nuriiin.. beli atuh murah hahaha.. iya engga bener2 matte ini aku juga heran -_-
Hapuscoveragenya ga terlalu bagus yaaa ki :O
BalasHapusiya git.. mana capek kudu conceal satu2 kalo sheer gini.. hahaha
Hapusprefer liquid foundation kalo q ki.. hihi ^^
BalasHapusapalagi sheer gitu kayak bedakan aja yak.. hihihi
iya ceeee.. bener kayak cuma bedakan! hahaha.. iya mending liquid fondi deh apalagi aku sukanya yg high cover
HapusHahaha, ngomongin dosa dimuka aku juga banyak nih haha. Kayaknya enakan liquid foundation atau bb cream ya hihi.
BalasHapusNice Review nih, jadi gak perlu coba haha ^_^
iya ce.. enak pake liquid fondi deh :/ ini kyak cuma bedakan kayak kata ce ellen hahaha..
HapusHalooo...wah wah, review-nya gak bagus yaa...coba deh kamu apply sedikit lebih banyak di bagian2 tertentu yang perlu di cover. Di dab dab aja kayak pake concealer. Di aku coverage nya luar biasa lhooo....Dan natural beige itu menurutku udah sangat yellowish buat kulit Asia :)
BalasHapusudah sayang tapi karena dia mousse ga terlalu bisa di dab sih.. kudu bener2 di blend. kalo di dab aja ga mau nempel. wahaha.. kalo di foto emg kulit aku ga terlalu keliatan kuning. tapi aku kalo beli fondi nyamain sm kulit tangan biar ga belang.. dan tangan, dada, leher aku itu kuning banget nget nget.. >.<
HapusGood review dear, tapi aku tetep curious about this product! Pengen cobain deh bulan depan, mungkin cocok buat kulit aku yg super duper dry.
BalasHapusSoalnya setau aku, produknya maybelline ini emang agak kurang cocok buat yg kulitnya oily. Temen2ku yg oily pada blg maybelline kurang oke di kulit mereka, tapi di aku oke banget :(
eh ini ada 2 seri loh.. yg mousse buat oily skin, liquid buat dry skin.. kalo kulit kamu kering banget coba pake yg liquid deh ;) wah iya ya? aku jg baru ini nyoba fondi maybelline.. hehe
HapusNice Review ^^ ... ini padahal udah masuk di wishlist Aq, tapi ternyata Oh ternyata, Bener kata Ce eLLen kLo sheer githu jadi kaya bedakan aja .... xixixixi
hehehhe iya say.. kalo km ga terlalu butuh full coverage gpp sih ambil ini.. ;)
Hapussure! i'll follow you :)
BalasHapusitu kayaknya teksturnya lembut banget sih, kayak megang bolu kali yaaa hahahaaha nice review say, aneh ya kalo di lap malahan ngikut foundie nya haha seperti bedak saja ~.~
BalasHapusiya yes emang lucuk bgt teksturnya hahaha.. emang gampang transfer bgt ini fondi.. -_-
Hapuswaaah untung kemarin gak beli ini hehe. aku kalo maybelline masih setengah hati kalo produk buat mukanya (foundie, bb, bedak), kalo maybelline udah jatuh cinta sama maskara & eyelinernya :3 hehehe. ki, follback ya :) hehehe
iya ya :( aku juga baru ini nyoba fondi maybelline.. gak memuaskan -_- siap sayang! ^^
HapusDi aku bikin break out >3< dan kalau pakai foundation ini rasanya 'tebel' gitu nggak sih? atau aku aja ya pakainya ketebelan.. '3')
BalasHapusengga kok dil.. ringan bgt kalo kataku iniiii.. wah sayang ya bikin breakout :(