Minggu, 28 Juli 2013

Comparison : Revlon Colorstay Foundation VS. Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme Foundation

O helloooo everyone! 
oke kali ini nulisnya pake bahasa aja ya karena lagi belibet nih pikiran.. haha! 
jadi post ini udah bertengger sejak 2 mingguan di draft. Yaa.. my bad u,u 
Sesuai judulnya, aku mau ngebandingin 2 foundation dari Revlon yang kayaknya di rave dimana-mana. Baca-baca reviewnya kebanyakan pada bilang bagus, great, my hg foundation, etc etc.. Akhirnya kegoda juga buat beli meskipun telat banget -_-" 

Yak, langsung aja.. ini dia! 
Revlon Colorstay Makeup with Softlex VS. Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme Foundation

Dari segi packaging dua-duanya terbuat dari material yang sama. Kayak gelas kaca gitu, cuma beda bentuk aja. Yang Colorstay tinggi langsing, ga begitu berat. Sedangkan yang Whipped Creme di jar dan berat banget. Bulky, besar, dan ga praktis buat dibawa-bawa. Kayaknya kalo naruh 2 foundie ini harus hati-hati dan jangan di pinggiran meja gitu. ga kebayang kalo jatuh trus pecah.. 

Trus dari segi foundienya.. 
Yang pertama, Revlon Colorstay Makeup with Softlex

Revlon's claim :
"Longwearing coverage with a lightweight formula that won’t cake, fade, or rub off. With Time Release Technology specifically formulated for combination or oily skin to control oil absorption and shine. Your look stays flawless throughout the day."

Sebenernya foundie ini kebagi jadi 2 macem, for combination/oily skin sama combination/dry skin. Berhubung mukaku kilang minyak yaudah ambil yang combination/oily. Daaaan.. kekurangan pertama, ga ada pumpnyaaaaa.. Leher botolnya juga gede, bikin ga higienis dan berantakan kalo nuang foundienya. Kadang juga pas nuang jadi kebanyakan, akhirnya kebuang percuma deh. Liat aja di bagian dalam tutup botolnya, belepotan sama foundienya.. -.- 

Swatch :
maafkeun ya lightningnya beda.. ._.
Aku belinya yang shade Sand Beige, dan ternyataaaa.. keputihan pemirsaaah.. 
Terlalu terang rang rang buat kulitku ._. Salahku juga sih ga mau browsing-browsing shadenya dulu di inet, trus di konternya juga ga ada testernya. Langsung pake ilmu kira-kira aja deh.. hehehe.. 

Foundie ini bentuknya cair, ga terlalu liquidy sih.. agak thick dikit. Sekali dia nge set di kulit bakalan cepet kering. Jadi kalo mau di build up coveragenya harus cepet. Kalo aplikasinya pake sponge lembab bakalan bagus banget hasilnya, flawless. Sayang dia cuma SPF 6, jadi jangan lupa buat pake sunscreen sebelumnya yah. Sunscreen is a must!

Oke, mari kita tes coveragenya..
Dimulai dengan.. my bare face :

Yeees.. sama sekali ga flawless kan? hehehe :3 
Banyak bekas jerawat, bruntusan, dan beberapa jerawat yang menyebaaar di pipi dan dahi.

 One layer :

Two layer :

Tuh kan keputihan u,u 

tapi bisa diliat kan kalo coveragenya oke, buildable juga. One layer aja udah lumayan nutupin jerawat dan bekas-bekasnya. Two layer, makin nutup. Tapi sayangnya dia jadi cakey dan berat banget di muka. Kalo aku sih cukup selayer aja trus pake concealer yang di mix sama sisa foundienya. Oil control dan staying powernya bagus banget. Tanpa primer, aku pake kuliah panas-panasan dari jam 1 siang dan baru minyakan sekitar jam 6 sore di T-zone dan pipi. Sampe aku pulang kuliah jam setengah 9 malem, foundienya tetep nempel di mukaku. Ga pudar sama sekali kecuali dibagian hidung. Tapiii.. this foundie doesn't smell's good. Baunya aneh kayak karet, kayak latex gitu.. Trus begitu dia set di muka rasanya lengket, jadi mending langsung ditambah loose powder di atasnya. 

Selebihnya sih aku suka sama foundie ini, 
coverage, oil control, staying powernya oke banget 
cuma minus di aplikasinya yang agak tricky aja karena dia cepet kering dan baunya ga enak.. 

 Lanjut ke Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme

Revlon's claim : 
"Finally, truly decadent makeup offers ultimate performance. The mousse-like texture feels like silk on your skin. And, the time release formula balances skin for a flawless look. All day flexible wear without flaking, caking or feeling heavy."

Sekali lagi, ga higienis ._. 
Saranku sih kalo mau ambil foundienya pake spatula yang bersih trus langsung ditutup lagi, kalo repot dan mau ambil pake jari juga ga apa sih tapi pastiin tangan harus sudah bener-bener bersih yaaa.. Bagusnya, dia punya SPF 20. Lumayan lah ya daripada SPF 6..

Buat Revlon Whipped Creme ini aku pilih yang shade Warm Golden. Agak ragu karena ada yang review kalo ini jatohnya pink. Tapi berhubung ini udah shade yang paling tua yang masuk ke Indo, akhirnya ya ambil aja. Hehe.. Yang Whipped Creme ini teksturnya thick, kayak mousse puding. Daaan.. bener kok dia cenderung ke pink undertone. Terlalu pink buat kulitku. Tapi aplikasinya pake jari aja udah bagus, gampang banget di blend. Meski aku lebih prefer pake damp sponge sih karena bakal lebih halus hasilnya. 

Oke, test drive..
One Layer :

Two Layer :

Okay, i loooove this foundation! 
Coveragenya lebih oke dari Colorstay, selayer aja udah hampir nutupin all of my imperfection, buildable juga. Dia finishnya lebih halus, ga lengket, ga cakey, ga kerasa berat juga di muka. Kalo ga di set pake powder bagus banget! Kesannya glowy tapi ga lebay, healthy skin gitu deh.. Oil control dan staying powernya, JUARAAA!! Lebih bagus dari Colorstay. Kalo yang Colorstay dia emang nampol nahan minyak, tapi si Whipped Creme ini lebih oke lagi.. Tanpa primer, dari jam 1 siang sampe jam 6 sore yang minyakan baru di bagian T-zone aja, jam setengah 8 malem baru deh pipi mulai oily juga. Sampe malem jam 9 foundie ini juga tetep nempel di muka aku, ga pudar kecuali bagian hidung sama kayak si Colorstay.

Tapi kalo kamu punya very very dry skin, aku ga nyaranin pake foundation ini karena dia bakalan accentuate your flaky dry skin. Pernah waktu itu kulit pipiku ngelupas karena sisa jerawat yang baru sembuh, aku pake foundie ini dan jadinya jelek banget dibagian yang ngelupas itu >.<  And you will need a very good and hydrated moisturizer underneath this foundie. Mungkin karena dia ditujukan buat people with oily skin, makanya hasilnya ga akan bagus kalo ga pake hydrated moisturizer sebelumnya. Tapi kalo moisturizernya udah oke, aplikasinya bakalan gampang dan hasilnya halus banget. Dan.. sama kayak si Colorstay, foundie ini baunya aneh.. agak-agak menggangu sih sama bau aneh di foundie. Tapi kalo udah nempel di muka baunya ilang kok. 

dua foundie Revlon ini sama-sama oke, cuma minus di packaging sama baunya doang. 
Selebihnya, bagus banget! The coverage, oil control, staying power.. GREAT! 
Tapi kalo tanya yang mana pemenangnya, aku bakal pilih Revlon Whipped Creme. 

See you on my next post 

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Review : BH Cosmetics Day & Night 60 Color Eyeshadow Palette

Hey guys.. ヾ(^-^)ノ
some of you asked me to review my new eyeshadow palette from BH Cosmetics on my May haul here.. And after a long time (forgive me for always postpone this review T^T) Finally this is it! 

This is my first palette eveeeerr.. ◝( >⌣< ◜ ✿)
actually i want to buy Coastal Scents 88 Original Palette but when i see this palette i simply fall in love with it. I think it'll be great for daily basis so i ordered this palette right away! Moreover the price is pretty affordable too.. 

So let's talk about the packaging first, 
it's a sleek black doff wrapped by a purple box. 
i don't know why, but the box kinda remind me of chocolate candy packaging.. lol
what i hate about a black doff packaging is sometimes they can look dirty and hard to cleaned.. :/  

This palette contains 60 color eyeshadow that divided into a 2 sections, Day & Night. It's matte, satiny, and shimmery! On the day side you'll get a light, neutrals, and pastel colors that i belive will be great for summer or spring. While the night side give you a darker colors that can give you a dramatic look for a night out.

Swatches on the "Day" side :

All the swatches is without a primer underneath

Whyyyyyy..щ(ºДºщ) whyyyy the color won't show up?? щ(ºДºщ)
It's very pretty on the pan but the color payoff is meeeeh (; ̄д ̄) especially for the mattes. I have to keep layering and it's still looks sheer. So i suggest to apply an eye primer underneath to pop up the color even more. When it comes to the matte shades, the texture is more like a solid powder so it's surely hard to pick up the color. Not to mention that it's a little bit chalky too. While for the shimmery & satiny shades the texture it's buttery and glides smoothly, and as you can see the pigmentation is very good. This side is have a lot of light shades that will be perfect for higlighting and create a natural and fun makeup look.

Swatches on the "Night" side :

All the swatches is without a primer underneath

Okay, i looooove this side of the pallete! (人´∀`*)
The color payoff is great, the texture is buttery, it glides heavenly too. You just need one swipe and the color is gonna look amazing and it's not chalky at all! Except for the darkest matte purple color, you can see that it's very sheer. Infact i layering it for around 4 times! But i think i get over it because all the color in this side is so pwrettyyyyyy!! I mean, look at those blue! And i love the fact that it have a hot pink, red, and of course a matte black and brown shades. Most of the shades is satiny and shimmery that i'm sure will give you a glamorous look for a night out. Very lovely! 

The staying power of this eyeshadow is great. Without primer underneath it will stays for around 6 hours, and with primer it'll stays even longer. 

it's a very good palette if you want to start practice applying eye makeup. 
Not a great but it's very close and good enough. 
It comes with affordable price too, so i think it's really worth the price! 

See you on my next post 

Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

FOTD : Wearable Smoky

Hey everyone ^^ 
just a quick post about my FOTD.. hehe 
i actually want to review my BH pallete but since my brother out all day and i'm always using his camera for review purpose (because his cellphone camera so damn good, the quality almost same with pocket camera) so i'm just camwhore with my own cellphone camera (which is super low quality).. lol 

Today i'm going out with my cousin, 
we're just hanging out, did a little shopping too.. :D 

So here's my makeup for today.. 
just a simple-natural-wearable-almost smoky eyes 
it's super super easy and great for daily makeup for anyone with monolids or hooded eyes

My lids -_-

On my face : 
Revlon colorstay whipped creme 320 warm golden 
NYX concealer jar 
Inez concealing stick 
Marcks loose powder 
Maybelline cheeky glow in wooden rose

Trisia eyeshadow 
BH Cosmetics 60 day & night pallete 

Wardah exclusive lipstick in rosemarry 

See you on my next post 

Kamis, 11 Juli 2013

FOTD : One Arabian Night

Hey everyone.. *wink *wink 
My holiday is awesomeee.. because i don't have to do anything and just laying around all day.. huahaha XD 
So since i don't know what to do and i easily get borred, 
i decided to play with my makeup 

Looxperiments have a makeup challenge with the theme Arabian Night
sound's interesting for me.. so i decided to joining! Yaaayyy!! 

I'm making 2 different look and cannot decide which one is better.. 
on my first look i'm not wearing my false lashes because i ran out the glue -_- 
and on my second look, i feel my eyeliner not "Arabic" enough.. 
well well.. -____-" 

So here's my first look : 



My brother said that i look creepy with this kind of makeup -_- 

for this look i mixed golden and champagne color eyeshadow on my inner corner and 1/3 part of my lids 

and then i apply goldish brown eyeshadow on the center of my lids and dark purplish brown eyeshadow on the outer corner and blend it.

Eyes detail 

and here's my second look : 


Ah.. i love false lashes.. it makes my eyes so alive 

For this second look i apply shimmery light green eyeshadow on my inner corner and electric blue eyeshadow on the half of my lids and my lower lash line

and then i mixed this 2 purple color, apply it on my outer corner of my eyes and blend it.

 Eyes detail 

On my face i applied Revlon whipped creme foundation, set it with translucent loose powder, 
contour my face with LT Pro shade and tint kit, and finish my look with eyeliner and nude lipstick. Done! 

So what do you think? 
tell me which one is better ^^ 

See you on my next post 

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

June Mini Haul

Hey guys! 
First of all i want to say happy fasting for all Moslem around the world. 
Let's celebrate Ramadhan and get closer to Allah SWT 

So today i wanna share you about my June mini haul. 
I know, it's July already.. but it's better to be late than never.. right? 
So here it is.. 

Wardah Exclusive Lipstick in 43 Rosemary 
Revlon Colorstay Whipped Creme Foundation in 320 Warm Golden 
The Face Shop Lovely Me:Ex Makeup Base in 02 Violet 
Mabelline Volume Express Turbo Boost Macara 
LT Pro Shade and Tint Kit no 02 
La Tulipe Eye Base 

i bought another revlon foundie.. hehe 
I think i will write a post about the foundation's and compare them. 
Oh and i have sooo many overdue review post! 
i'm gonna write some tomorrow *cross my finger *i'm promise 

See you on my next post 

Selasa, 09 Juli 2013

[UPDATED] Heart to Heart : A Little Update + My First Makeup Job ♥

Hey everyoneeee!! ♥ 
Oh my God, i really really miss you all and my blog! 
I've been super busy with all my task and final exam. 

If you follow my instagram you should know this photos. 
There's so many task >.< i'm not leaving my room for 3 days to finished all of my task. 
Lack of sleeping and eat making my weight drop into a horrible number. Oh my.. /(x~x)\

And then.. i get hordeolum again. Now my eyes is completely swollen 
Please get well soon ya my eyes.. >.<

But noooow..
I'm officialy in a holiday and hybernate mode! Yaaaayyy!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Now it's time for enjoying my long holiday and write so many overdue post. 

And there's something i wanna share you guys.. 
Last week my brother asked me if i want to be a makeup artist for their community second gathering. 
It's some kind of K-pop lover's community. They covered k-pop dance and song.. 

I think, why not? It's gonna give me an experience and extra practice..
and korean makeup is so simple and easy to do.. so i said yes. 

I'm so sorry that i don't have time to take their photo's. 
so i asked them to send me their photo's and they gave me the edited version. 
They said the original already deleted.. (ノ ̄д ̄)ノ

My mom helped me with the base and i'm working the rest. 
Basically the makeup just focus on the eyeliner, gradient lips, and dewy complexion. 


After the show. This is the only one original photo and their makeup already wear off a bit. 
They performing 3 times. Wow! 

Her lipstick was completely wear off u,u

Actually there's 20 people that i done the makeup, 
I feel so much fun while doing this job, their face already so flawless and i didn't put too much effort with their makeup. 
I asked them first how and what kind of makeup look that they want to achieve so i can understand and create a look that they wanted. 

Even though at the end my back and my shoulder is freaking hurt, and the makeup is natural and easy, 
but i'm satisfied with my job. I know my skill is still soooo faaaaar from perfect. 
But it makes me want to learn more about makeup.
I really love makeup and never gonna stop doing it! 

See you on my next post