Hey everyone ^^
just a quick post about my FOTD.. hehe
i actually want to review my BH pallete but since my brother out all day and i'm always using his camera for review purpose (because his cellphone camera so damn good, the quality almost same with pocket camera) so i'm just camwhore with my own cellphone camera (which is super low quality).. lol
Today i'm going out with my cousin,
we're just hanging out, did a little shopping too.. :D
So here's my makeup for today..
just a simple-natural-wearable-almost smoky eyes
it's super super easy and great for daily makeup for anyone with monolids or hooded eyes
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My lids -_- |
On my face :
Revlon colorstay whipped creme 320 warm golden
NYX concealer jar
Inez concealing stick
Marcks loose powder
Maybelline cheeky glow in wooden rose
Trisia eyeshadow
BH Cosmetics 60 day & night pallete
Wardah exclusive lipstick in rosemarry
See you on my next post ♥
kok km cantik banget sih ki?? ayu tenan >D< !! bikin pengen aku culikkkkkkkkkkk
BalasHapusheheheeheheh..... <3
ahaha paling bisa kamu giiit.. makasih gita cantiiikk <3 <3
Hapuseh kalo kamu yg nyulik aku mau loh git.. hahaha x)
Ki kenapa cantik banget sih hihi suka deh :) flawless sekali
BalasHapusah kak ivaaa makasiiihh <3 kak iva tuh yg cantiiik <3
Hapusthanks to kamera hp yg gabisa fokus jadi dosa2 wajah ga keliatan *aslinya ga ada flawless2nya hahaha XD
loved the smokey eyes :)you look pretty!
BalasHapusPrimed with Prettiness
thank you reshma! <3
Hapuscantikk bangeet res! :D
BalasHapuskita punya kesamaan lho.. kantung mata kita samaaaa..ga bisa dibohongin >,< efek begadang hiksss
makasih kak dewiiii <3 <3
Hapushiks iya nih kak.. :( keseringan begadang, kantung mata udah gede.. eh ketambahan yg sebelah kanan hordeolum segala -_-" jadi deh membengkak!o.O
So cuteeeee...cantik makeupan nyaaaa..likkeeyyy
BalasHapusmakacih kak nancyku yg cantiiiikkk <3 <3 <3
Hapusah canciiiik, suka banget wearable neutral eyes gini ki <3
BalasHapusduh kapan-kapan kita kolab bisa kali niiiih :3
iya aku juga sukaaa.. abisnya kalo yg bold bgt dibilang creepy aku wkwk :3
Hapushaha ayo yes.. mau banget!! x)
Camera low quality nya dr sblh mana bukkk.... ini cakeuppppppp flolesss klo kate org2 hihihi... cuka cuka cuka... tutorialnya duonk duonk duonk hihihi
BalasHapusini kameranya cuma 2mpx ce.. makanya keliat floles.. aslinya jauuuhh >.< hahaha
Hapusmakacih ce canciiikk <3 eh iya mau bikin tutorial tapi bingung gimana.. ntar yaa.. huehehe
just one word. cantiiikkkk >.<
BalasHapusthank you saraaass <3
HapusCute as usual ;)
BalasHapusbtw, ramadan kareem! <3
thanks dear! :)
Hapusramadan kareem <3 <3
yang ini mirip make up campaignya cara delevingne yg burberry, and you got it! beautiful chocolate! <3
BalasHapusaku malah gatau kak sama campaignnya :O thank you kak shaaaa.. masih belajar tapi ini. hehehe <3
Hapussimple yet stunning, cakeeepppp!
BalasHapusmakasih sayaang <3 <3