Hello Gorgeous!
It's been a while since a write a review post.. actually i'm too lazy and too busy to write some.. hahaha! But today, i'm gonna share about my Coastal Scents 88 Original Palette.
This palette has been on my wishlist like forever, and finally i get my hand on it. *happy dance* 〜(^∇^〜)(〜^∇^)〜
The packaging is a matte doff black, very sleek, sturdy, and not too big. Just an usual palette packaging.
And look at those gorgeous coloooors! It's a combination from matte and shimmer. I honestly love all the them, it's perfect too create any look that you want. Most of the color have a great pigmentation, but some light color is very sheer. And what surprise me is that the black shade is really sheer, the color won't come out. I have to keep layering and that's pretty weird since most of the black eyeshadow in a palette usually is very pigmented.
The texture is powdery, i experienced a lot of fall out especially in a light and matte shade. Some shade is have a buttery texture but most of them is nay.. ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ For the staying power is pretty great, with a primer underneath and in the crazy humid weather on my town it will last for at least 5 hours and started to fading.
Swatches :
aiiih ini ngiler banget >< kalo tau berapa ini ya? hehehehe
BalasHapushihihi yuuk beli :D 200an lebih ini say :)
HapusAku juga baru beli nihhhh. Suka sama warnanya ^_^
BalasHapusNice review sai
iyaaa.. warnanya lucu2 ya ce.. hihihi.. thankyouu <3
Hapusudah lama pengen beli cuma msih blum ksampaian.. msih bnyak wishlist... lol... btw nice review! ;)
hahahaha wishlistnya emg ga pernah abis ya kayaknya x) thankyouuu
Hapusuwaaa ini mah cucok bener buat beginner kayak aku T~T asal pake primer yg oke ya ki, pasti warnanya keluar dan tahan lama, kalo agak powdery gitu hhi nice review say, aku pengen yg metal palette, fix ini racun bgt <3 maacih loh racunnya hahaha
BalasHapushihihi iyaaa.. ayo beli jugaaaaa.. XD warnanya lucu lucuuuu :3
HapusUdah lama naksir sama palette ini. Tapi belom kesampean belii.
hayuuu dibeli nel :D
Hapusini emang oke bangettt rez.. aku kayaknya jadi berasa MUA sungguhan yah klo punya ini palette :D
BalasHapushahaha iya mon, soalnya warnanya banyak jadi orang2 kalo liat pada suka.. hahaha XD
HapusKotak n warna2nya persis sm palette aphrollogy ku kecuali row ujung kanan! Http://www.pinkandundecided.blogspot.com/2013/10/flower-fairy.html
BalasHapuspalette aphrollogy aku baru denger ce.. hihihi
HapusHmm.. I wonder why mine isn't as pigmented as yours when swatched. Padahal beli di online shop yang very trusted :(
BalasHapuswah iya kah kak? padahal di aku pigmented bgt loh :O
Hapusaaaakkkkk NGILERRRR hahahahahahah :D :D :D
BalasHapuslap in ilernya gita.. hahahaha
Hapuswhoooaaa, nmy whistliiiisstt >,<
BalasHapusayo dibeliiiiiiii.. hahaha
Hapusaku pernah beli versi palsu dari pallete satu ini hehehe
BalasHapushehehe cs emang banyak replikanya ya say :D
Hapusbeli dimanaaaaa ? takut kebagian yang jeleknya >.<
BalasHapusyg pasti asli beli di coastal scents id aja say :)
Hapusaduuuuh warnanya cantik2 dan bergradasi gitu ya. mauuuuu >.<
BalasHapusayo dibeli saaaay hehehe :D
HapusMohon informasinya nih mbak rizki, coastal scents id yang ini bukan --> http://www.coastalscents-id.com/ ?
BalasHapussudah dibalas via email ya mbak :)